A Fun Suspect | Guess Who!

Interrogating a Happy Ending

     The anxiety in the Interrogation Room hypnotizes the suspect’s confidence into second-guesses, as the door opens.

      “Well…well…well,” a familiar voice arrives. “Who do we have here?”
      “Wow,” you say. “Dedra Kare! Detective, what a pleasure to…”
      “SIT BACK DOWN,” she demands. “After what you did, and after what you DIDN'T do, you dare to offer me an ‘artificial smile?’”
      “What did I do,” you ask. “And what did I NOT do? I’m confused.”
      “What a surprise,” another character replies and enters.
      “Detective Corey,” you realize for the book. “Hi?”
      “Are you?” Janine Kare mocks as she too walks in. “You look dizzy for no reason.”
      “Okay CLEARLY I’m missing something,” you reply. “Why am I here? And what’s the charge?”
      “I’ll ask the questions,” Dedra insists. “But first, sign the confession.”
      “Wait-a-minute,” you reply. “Confession? But I didn’t do anything! I was just … reading.”
      “Exactly,” Janine says smiling at your confusion.
      “Look,” Dedra explains to you, “the confession simply says you’ve read our book AND you promise to provide an honest, casual, book review.”
      “Yeah,” prosecutor Erin Powers appears. “Write 2 sentences or SERVE 2 sentences.”
      “Do I need a lawyer,” you ask as Miles and The Jury Whisperer rush in. “Is failing to do this really a crime?”
      “It’s a favor,” Dedra and all the story characters admit.
      “Please,” little Kayleen appears. “I’ll give you my pen.”

The End (Is Up to You!)

We sincerely appreciate your consideration. But even more of our own personal ‘happy ending’ is your opinion! From your enjoyment level, your favorite parable, your most inspiring character, or most intriguing symbolism. Even answer a Book Club Question inside! Please take a quick moment to revisit your retailer and provide a review if you’ve enjoyed. For Kindle, find your latest book and link below. We all thank you in advance. “You’re free to go!”

Book 1 FREE

Interview with the Author

Q: I sense an extra invitation inside this cozy mystery. Was a newer philosophy delivered by the dialogue inside the story? And would you care to reveal story symbolism?
A: The story design of Remember to Forget accomplishes a dilemma where amnesia versus forgiveness, in the Olympics of childhood and child development. And the question becomes is it easier getting over it when the environment no longer owns you, because you have left it psychologically (amnesia)? Is there any advantage to remembering the bad times and staying in that unchanging place with no other choice? (“I don’t have amnesia; I have flashbacks…”) So the experiment (referred to by Janine as a psychological sports match) is actually settling the stage for the ever popular argument over “nature vs nurture.” But since they are committed to working together, we get to experience all the advantages and all the disadvantages of both theories.

*Discover ALL the hidden symbolism in every book with The Password to the Clues & Extras section.

Karma's Revenge Series · Christian Rap (from the Fixed Marriage soundtrack)

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